47 photos   5191 visits

x Look at this glasses

=] IL my glasses <3 .
and for this task I would like to be rewarded with chilled eskimo kisses with a side of hot chai. th
and for this task I would like to be rewarded with chilled eskimo kisses with a side of hot chai. th
You must violently stab your eyeballs out vigorously then delicately pull and tug them to your size
You must violently stab your eyeballs out vigorously then delicately pull and tug them to your size
I cut my eyes out with scissors &stretched them over vintage frames. t was very painful.I went vince
I cut my eyes out with scissors &stretched them over vintage frames. t was very painful.I went vince

Comments • 1

xCaiitRawrsYou 8 June 2011  
what sweet sunglasses
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