47 photos   5192 visits

x My phone with Hello K

. She is my girlfriend = ]]
Sowwy fo\' the icky quality my iPhone is a rascal! Don\'t give pearls to swine, kittens.
Sowwy fo\' the icky quality my iPhone is a rascal! Don\'t give pearls to swine, kittens.
Hello Kitty :) ILY
Hello Kitty :) ILY
It\'s storming so much here!!
It\'s storming so much here!!
My dear, the ocean\'s deepest jewels don\'t shine as bright as you
My dear, the ocean\'s deepest jewels don\'t shine as bright as you
My love, I\'m dying to see you from the inside. Will I find beauty or will it be hidden for sheer sc
My love, I\'m dying to see you from the inside. Will I find beauty or will it be hidden for sheer sc
Biopsy the liver, it\'ll explain why he makes you quiver. You may need to keep warm by the way this
Biopsy the liver, it\'ll explain why he makes you quiver. You may need to keep warm by the way this
Pearls, diamonds, and internal organs.. Repomen need love too, cash money boy they\'re workin
Pearls, diamonds, and internal organs.. Repomen need love too, cash money boy they\'re workin
Muahaha clueless face for kitten J
Muahaha clueless face for kitten J
Going to some vintage boutiques to find some timeless beaded dresses and studded jackets ;3 it\'s su
Going to some vintage boutiques to find some timeless beaded dresses and studded jackets ;3 it\'s su
I really want this vintage mirror! And a 1940\'s crank record player with old melodrama music
I really want this vintage mirror! And a 1940\'s crank record player with old melodrama music
60\'s white noise, the harpy\'s choice
60\'s white noise, the harpy\'s choice
Silver eyesss :)
Silver eyesss :)

Comments • 2

xCaiitRawrsYou 8 June 2011  
so cute.
xHollieKittyRawrx3 7 June 2011  
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